Friday 20 May 2011

My class just keeps getting crazier and crazier....

Ok, haven't updated in a while.... I kind of forgot about my blog... But I remembered it now, so I decided to update it! Anyway, back to the topic. My class is WEIRD..... Well not weird exactly, more like crazy. Take this for example :

My class has to be locked up before going home since we have expensive computer equipment in there. My friend was gonna lock up, but the guys, being stubborn as usual, wanted to stay so she locked them up. They were like "Whatever..."

But there was another guy who went out earlier. He tried to grab the keys from my friend but she threw the keys across the floor. Then they BOTH went after the keys. Which, by the way, ended up being swept away by another friend of mine with a broom. So, imagine a girl running with a broom, sweeping some keys while being chased by a guy and a girl, pushing each other to get the keys.

A few minutes later, I saw the guy holding the keys while being dragged down by my friend. (who, by the way, is a little crazy sometimes) He shrugged her off and threw the keys through the class window. And about  10 minutes later the rest of the other guys went downstairs to the science lab, where everyone else were.

So basically, I have a weird and crazy class. But I like it that way, it makes things interesting. That's all for now!

Monday 2 May 2011

My school's cursed!!!

It's just like the title says. I'm pretty sure my school's cursed or something like that. Don't believe me? During the past month, there were 4 REALLY bad accidents.

First accident that happened was the worst. It happened to this Form 3 guy on the way to extra classes. He was riding his motorbike on the way to school when he got hit by a lorry from behind.... He ended up in hospital and got his leg cut off. And its not even a year after his previous accident which he almost died from. The accident before, he fell head-first into a ditch when he wasn't wearing a helmet! So, this is accident number 1.

Accident number 2. This Form 4 guy was riding his motorbike and avoided a truck and he crashed. Ending up with a broken leg. A BADLY broken leg....

Accident 3. This guy drove his motorbike and hit a buffalo. Now, before you start laughing, let me tell you, the horn pierced through his shoulder. Not funny.

And the last accident. This guy swerved to avoid a car and he crashed his motorbike into a river. Both he and the motorbike ended up in the river. I think he's in the hospital but I'm not sure how bad it was...
Well, anyway, this is why I think my school is cursed. I just hope none of my friends get in any accidents. Hope you guys liked it! Well, not exactly LIKED the fact that my school's cursed, but more like enjoyed reading about it.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Football is dangerous!! Well.... at least for me....

Ok, I wanna write about what happened to me on Friday. We had P.E and it was drizzling so the guys weren't playing football at the court for once. Instead, us girls got a chance to play there. I was like "Yeah! Finally, we get to play here!"
I was the goalkeeper and I was having fun. That is, until the guys noticed us playing and decided to join in..... Before you know it, all the girls were leaving and all the guys were there instead. All except me, that is.... I ended up being the only girl there!
I was trying to find an opening to get out without getting hit by a ball, but there were 2 guys at my goal, fighting for the ball. Suddenly, one of them managed to get a hold of the ball.... And kicked it right at my head at top-speed! Kind of like this :
I ducked and it hit the goal post, bounced off and landed right in the middle of the court. I was like :
That guy did all that in one kick! If it hit me, I'd probably end up in hospital! As soon as the other guys ran towards the ball, I ran to my friends like :
Then I realized.... football is dangerous... for me that is. Especially since I've never seen any of the guys in my class get injured OR almost killed. So, moral of the story is : NEVER PLAY FOOTBALL WHEN THERE ARE GUYS AROUND WHO CAN RUIN THE GAME. ESPECIALLY GUYS WHO HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO WIND YOU UP IN HOSPITAL.
That's all for now and hope you guys found this interesting!


Ok, hi there everyone! This is my first experience with blogging and to be honest, I've never actually thought about making a blog. That is, until my friend told me that I seemed like the blogger type. He and my other friend finally persuaded me to make one so..... here it is! Hope you guys like it, even though it's only the intro. But don't worry, there'll be plenty of interesting stories for me to post! Anyway, I guess that's all for now!