Sunday 28 October 2012


Since I'm kinda on holiday at the moment, I have a lot of free time. There are lots of things I could do, like watch TV, play video games and sleep all day. But I've made a list of things to do because I don't wanna waste my holiday doing nothing. I've already done that in standard 6 during my break after UPSR. I did nothing fun, exciting or productive. Well, playing video games was fun, but not very interesting or different. After a while, it became dull and boring.

 So I'm gonna do the things written down on my list. That way I'll actually do something productive. Actually, if you think about it, the possibilities of what could be done are endless. Teenager on a 2-month holiday with nothing to do. Why not make a list of activities and projects? It'll help prevent boredom. Which is happening to me right now. I am very very bored and have absolutely nothing to do. At all. So I shall do things on my list to entertain myself and hopefully write about it on my blog.

Boredom shall not keep me from being productive! It's a monster, really. Boredom is an absolutely terrible monster that attacks people who have nothing to do or have gotten tired of what they have been doing. So I advise those who are bored to look online for DIY activities and projects. They're always fun and the more time-consuming, the better. Your hard work'll pay off once you've completed your project. Trust me, it's worth it.

Here are a couple of DIY websites that you could try :

Tuesday 23 October 2012

It's been a LONG time...

Hello people of the internet! It's been quite some time since I've last posted, hasn't it? If there was anyone who was interested in my blog before, I apologise for not updating it. To be frank, I forgot about my blog. And I was busy for most of last year as well as this past year. Many things have changed since I last posted on this blog.

For starters, I moved to a different state. Can't exactly say I enjoyed moving since it was on short notice, but I've adjusted myself and have come to like living there. Also, I rarely had internet access until just recently, so even if I did remember my blog, I wouldn't have been able to post anything. On top of that, I was taking an important exam this year, my PMR. In Malaysia, where I live, students must take an important exam at the age of 15, consisting of the subjects they have learned during their first three years of high school. This exam is called Penilaian Menengah Rendah, or more commonly known as PMR. So as you can probably guess, I'm 15 years old. My exam finished a couple of weeks ago, so now I'm free to update my blog as often as I want. Yay for holidays!

Anyway, I promise I'll try my best to remember to update my blog regularly with interesting things. Mostly stories of my daily life, random things that spark my interest or odd thoughts that make me wonder. So hopefully you, the reader, will find this blog interesting and like-able and maybe even comment on my posts. Or is that just hoping for too much? Anyway, that's all for now, I'll update soon!